Thermocalories or “real calories”

Explanation of the Calculation of Energy Dissipated by Sweat with BeOne

BeOne is an innovative device for measuring the energy dissipated by your body through sweat during exercise. Understanding this energy is crucial to optimize your performance and ensure good thermoregulation. Here is a detailed explanation of how BeOne calculates this energy based on the amount of sweat produced Q, skin temperature T, body surface area S, and relative humidity R.

Why measure the energy dissipated by sweat?

When exercising, your body produces heat. To maintain a stable body temperature, this heat must be dissipated, primarily through the evaporation of sweat. By measuring the energy dissipated by sweat, BeOne helps you understand your thermoregulation and adjust your hydration and training accordingly.

Factors taken into account

1. Quantity of sweat produced Q:

- The amount of sweat you produce is directly related to the energy needed to vaporize that sweat. The more you sweat, the more energy your body uses to evaporate that sweat and cool you down.

2. Skin temperature T:

- Your skin temperature affects the rate at which sweat evaporates. A higher skin temperature means your body produces and dissipates more heat.

3. Body surface area S:

- The surface area of ​​your body influences the total amount of heat you can dissipate. A larger body surface area allows for more efficient evaporation of sweat.

4. **Relative humidity R:

- The humidity of the surrounding air plays a crucial role in the evaporation of sweat. High humidity reduces the efficiency of evaporation, meaning your body must produce more sweat to dissipate the same amount of heat.

BeOne uses a built-in formula to calculate the energy dissipated by sweat based on these variables